Mowgli - Page 56 (Conversation)

Complete the story by writing the conversation between Mowgli and the Mother-wolf.
Mother-wolf :- Why are you late?
Mowgli :- Kaa, the snake stopped us.
Mother-wolf :- Oh! Did he bite you?
Mowgli :- No, I taught him a lesson.
Mother-wolf :- Why are you late?
Mowgli :- Mother, we went to the forest to pluck some apples. When Kaa the dangerous snake came to attack us.
Mother-wolf :- Oh God! Then what happened?
Mowgli :- I fought with him and defeted him. Everyone was so happy in my success.
Mother-wolf :- Why are you late?
Mowgli :- Kaa blocked us.
Mother-wolf :-Oh! Did he bite you?
Mowgli :- No, I taught him a lesson.
Mother-wolf :- Why are you late?
Mowgli :- Kaa blocked us.
Mother-wolf :-Oh! Kaa is a dangerous snake. Did he attacked you?
Mowgli :- Yes, he attacked me.A fight held there.
Mother-wolf :- Anything happened to you?
Mowgli :- No, I defeted him and I won the fight.I taught him a lesson.
Mother-wolf :- Ok, Are you alright now?
Mowgli :- Yes, I am.

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