One day the merchant sent Ivan to the forest to fetch firewood.
Soon the wind rose, the sky became clouded, the lightning flashed,
the thunder roared loudly, and the rain fell heavily.
It is raining. A strong wind is blowing. Leaves are flying in the air. The lightining flashes and thunder roared. Ivan is standing under a tree. There is a squirrel on the branch of the big tree. There are two little birds in the nest.
It is a rainy day. The sky is clouded. A strong wind is blowing in that wind the big and small trees are dancing. Leaves are flying in the air. The lightining flashes and thunder roared. Ivan is standing under a big tree. There is a squirrel on the branch of that big tree. There are little birds in the nest.
It is a rainy day. The sky is clouded. A strong wind is blowing. That wind is shaking the trees. Leaves are flying in the wind. The lightining flashes and roaring thunder follows. Ivan is standing under a big tree. He seems a bit frightened. There is a squirrel on the branch of that big tree. There are little birds in the nest.