Story Time - Birthday Gift

"What do you want for your birth day, son?", asked Dhruv's mother to the little boy.
Dhruv thought for a moment and then excitedly replied: "A little tortoise, Ma!" She wondered, "Where on earth would I get a tortoise from?" She went to her friend, Mrs Jauhar who had a farm nearby, and asked her if she had a baby tortoise. Fortunately for her, there was one available a cute little star tortoise with bright yellow lines running down the carapace!
On Dhruv's birthday, the family went to Mrs. Jauhar's farm. The elderly lady greeted Dhruv warmly and presented him a small basket of toffees. "One, two, three, four, five, six and seven..." counted Dhruv and then his fingers suddenly touched something hard. It was a tortoise! Dhruv was delighted!
"Oh, thank you, aunty! I thought this is another sweet!" he gushed. "I'll name the tortoise, Tito!" he cried, holding his pet gently in his hands.
Dhruv took the tortoise home and put him in a tub. He then brought mud from the garden and filled the tub with it. Later on, he bought a little paper umbrella and stuck it on the mud. This became Tito's little shed and the little tortoise seemed so happy inside! He ate flowers and bits of fruits all day long and when Dhruv called "Hey, Tito!" the little tortoise stuck his head out and blinked at him!

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