Up above the Sky Questions and Answers - 2

Q1) Name of the Planets
 Ans) Mercury , Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Q2) Why is the moonlight not hot?
Ans) The sun is a star that gives out heat and light of its own. But the
moon can’t do that. Moon only reflects the sunlight that falls on it
Q3) Expalin about stars
 Ans) Stars are heavenly bodies that shine in the sky. The sun is a star.
Q4) What are planets?
 Ans) Planets are heavenly bodies in the sky that revolve around the sun
along a definite path. The earth is a planet.
Q5) What are Satellites?
Ans) Satellites are heavenly bodies that revolve around planets. The moon
is the satellite of the earth.
Q6) What is an Artificial Satellite?
 Ans) Artificial satellites are satellites made by man and sent to space for
various purposes. These satellites are sent to outer space with the help of
rockets. Aryabhatta, EDUSAT and INSAT are some of the artificial satellites
launched by India.
Q7) How do day and night occur?
 Ans) the earth rotates on its axis(West to East), and the part of the earth
on which sunlight falls experiences day and the other part experiences
Q8) What is called Rotation?
Ans) The spinning of the earth on its own axis is called rotation. It takes 24
hours for the earth to complete one rotation. This is one day.
Q9) What is meant by ‘a Day’?
Ans) The earth takes 24 hours to rotate itself. This period is called a Day
Q10) What is called ‘Revolution’?
Ans) The movement of the earth around the sun is called revolution.
Q11) What is meant by an‘ Year’?
Ans) The earth takes 365 1/4 days to move around the sun once. This is one
Q12)Why is the moon fully bright on some nights and not seen on other nights?
Ans) The moon will be fully bright on Full Moon day ( Pournami or Veluthavavu) and not seen on New Moon day (Amavasi or Karuthavavu)
Q13) Why are we unable to see the moon on the New moon day?
Ans) On the new moon day , the sun , moon and the earth come in a straight line . Then Sunlight does not fall on the part of the moon that faces the earth so we are unable to see the moon on the New moon day
Q14) Why are we able to see the moon in a fully circular shape in full moon day?
Ans) When the sun, the earth and the
moon come in a straight line, we are
able to see the moon in a fully circular
shape. Since The part of the moon
where sunlight falls faces the earth
Q15) How many days are there between one Full Moon day and the 
next one?
Ans) 28 Days , There is a gap of 28 days between two full moon days.
Q16) How many days are there between oneNew Moon day and the 
next Full Moon day?
Ans) 14 Days, The full moon day occur 14 days after a new moon day
Q17) Is the surface of the moon same and beautiful as it appears to us 
from the earth?
Ans) No, The surface of the moon consists of hills, pits and rocks. It does
not have air. So we cannot live in the moon as we do on earth.
Q18) What is the name of the first man who land on the moon?
Ans) Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut, was the first man to land on
the moon. Later several people went to the moon and brought soil and rocks from there
Q19) Can we travel to the moon as we travel on the surface of the earth? In which vehicle can we go there?
Ans) We cannot travel to the moon on ordinary vehicles as we do on the
earth. Scientists travel in artificial spaceships and travel to the moon.
Example : Chandrayan
Q20) What is the importance of Chandrayan?
Ans) India sent a spacecraft called Chandrayan 1,to the moon. It went
around the moon and provided us with valuable information. The success
of Chandrayan is, indeed, a matter of pride for all Indians
Q21)The man-made satellites are called artificial satellites. How do we sent them to the outer space?
Ans)Artificial satellites are satellites made by man and sent to space for
various purposes. These satellites are sent to outer space with the help of
Q22) Name some of the Artificial satellites launched by India?
Ans)Aryabhatta, EDUSAT and INSAT are some of the artificial satellites
launched by India.
Q23) What are the uses of artificial satellites?
Ans) communication, weather forecast, transportation ,

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