Activity 18 - My Creative Space [Blooms and Breeze]

Observe the pictures. Write a story in My Creative Space.
Who are the characters in the story?
What is the old woman carrying?
Where do you think she is going?
What do the pots feel about themselves?
What are they talking about?
What do you think the old woman is saying to the pots?

Once upon a time, there lived a grandma in a village. Every day, she fetched water from a nearby river. She carried two pots with her. One of the pots had a crack in it.
When she walked, water leaked out from the cracked pot.
The perfect pot used to mock the cracked pot. You’re useless. You can’t even hold water properly. Look at me, I am perfect and I do my job well.
The cracked pot felt sad and started to cry. The grandma heard their conversation. She said, “Don’t cry. Both of you are useful”.
Then What about the cracked pot? Is it useful?” Perfect pot asked.
The grandma took them to the roadside and showed them the beautiful flowering plants.
“Look at these flowers!” Water drips onto the plants from the cracked pot, Every day you water these plants without knowing”. The perfect pot saw the pretty flowers, butterflies and bees. Then it understood its mistake.

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