NAS Model Exam - 08 [EM]

The National Achievement Survey (NAS) is a national level large-scale assessment conducted to obtain information about the learning achievement of students of Classes 3, 5, 8 and 10 studying in State Govt. schools, Govt. Aided schools, Private Unaided and Central Govt. schools. NAS does not provide scores for individual student/school.Kerala LPSA Helper Provide Model Online Examination for Class 3 students.
Q 01
Mary is 140 cm tall. Thomas is 5 cm taller. How tall is Thomas?
Q 02
Share 12 lollipops equally among 12 boys. How many lollipops does each boy get?
Q 03
Matthew wants to make the largest number possible from the numeral cards below.

Q 04
the solids that have a rectangular top view.

Q 05
How many buckets of water are needed to fill the tub?

Q 06
You can put either a ball or a brick into a bucket of water. The one that would raise the water level higher
Q 07
Write 563 in expanded notation
Q 08
I am a number that ends with an 8. I am between 528 and 558. I have a 4 in the tens place. What number am I?
Q 09
A teacher wants to give each child in her class 4 stickers. She has 32 students. How many stickers will she need?
Q 10
You see 26 wheels on the vehicles outside. One of the vehicles is an 18-wheel truck. The rest are cars. How many cars are there?
Q 11
How many children chose the slide as their favorite?

Q 12
How many 3-digit numbers that have 7 in the hundreds place can be made using each digit 7, 4, 9, and 6 only once?
Q 13
Which clock is not working properly?


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  1. Guestion number 4.the correct answer is C

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