Story Time - The Two Ants

Babban bear had a servant, Chokku-the lazy fox. Whenever Babban asked Chokku to do something, Chokku would say "Am not feeling well. Maybe I should take some rest."
Babban had a sweet uncle. And his birthday was nearing.
Babban collected the sweetest honey in the jungle and waited for the big day to give it to his uncle as a gift. Unfor tunately, Babban fell ill and could not go for the party. He was very sad. That time Babban's neighbour, two little ants, came there and offered to help him.
"We shall help you if you promise to give us each a drop of honey."
"Of course, little ants, I'm only happy to share the honey with you."
The ants said, "Babban bear, tie the pot of honey to Chokku's head, and don't forget to keep us with the pot. We shall do the rest. Hee!"
When Chokku came, Babban bear asked him to take the honey to uncle bear's house. As always Chokku said, "Am not feeling well, but let me see."
Babban bear tied the pot of honey to Chokku's head. He also kept the two little ants near the pot. Chokku began his journey to uncle bear's house. After walking some distance he muttered, "Uh! I am so tired, I need some rest." Just when Chokku had sat down, the ants gave him a nice bite.
"Ouch! What was that?!" Chokku wondered.
The ants bit him until he stood up and started walking. Whenever Chokku tried to take rest, the ants would start their work. Poor Chokku! The pot was tied tight to his head. He had no way to get rid of it till he could deliver it to uncle bear. So, he ran as fast as he could and reached uncle bear's house on time. He handed over the pot and felt relieved. The two little ants took part in the party and ate their drop of honey.

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