NAS Model Exam - 09

The National Achievement Survey (NAS) is a national level large-scale assessment conducted to obtain information about the learning achievement of students of Classes 3, 5, 8 and 10 studying in State Govt. schools, Govt. Aided schools, Private Unaided and Central Govt. schools. NAS does not provide scores for individual student/school.Kerala LPSA Helper Provide Model Online Examination for Class 3 students.
Read the story given below and Attent the following Questions
One day, a hen and a sheep went shopping. There were many shops in the market. They went into a shop. There were so many things. The hen took a ribbon. She gave an egg for the ribbon. The sheep took a comb. She gave wool for the comb. The sheep and the hen came out with happy faces. The hen put on the ribbon around its neck. The sheep combed its wool with the comb


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