Story Time - The Magic Flower!

Ananthu and Aswathy are neighbours. The are good friends too. One saturday, their classmate Bichu called them for his birthday party. That afternoon Ananthu had to go for music class. So he went to Bichu's house at morning. Aswathy had drawing class at the morning. So she went to Bichu's party at afternoon.

By evening both of them joined for playing. Ananthu talking about the white flower in front of Bichu's house. Aswathy argued that the flower was pink. They quarreled each other and finally decided to go to Bichu's house to check the colour of the flower.

But they really wondered when they saw the flower together. It was neither white of pink. It was a red flower. Watching all these, Bichu laughed and said the secret behind it. "It is a changing rose plant. The flower of the plant are white at the morning, turns pink during noon and red in the evening everyday." hearing Bichu, Ananthu and Aswathy laughed aloud.

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