THE LANGUAGE OF BIRDS - Expected Questions

This question paper includes the questions that can be asked from the unit “The Language of Birds”.
01. Rearrange the letters given to get a meaningful word and complete the sentence given below:
One day the ............. sent Ivan to the forest to fetch fire wood.

02. Ivan told the whole story to the nightingale “I have a secret to tell you” the bird said. “What is it”? Ivan asked. The bird whispered the secret in Ivan’s ears. Read the above lines. Find out the word which is the same in meaning of “speak in a low voice

03. Ivan protected the four small birds during heavy rain by covering the little ones with his clothes. Mother bird came back. She was happy. Write the likely conversation between Ivan and motherbird?
Motherbird : ....................................................................................................................
Ivan : .................................................................................................................................
Motherbird : ....................................................................................................................
Ivan : .................................................................................................................................
Motherbird : ....................................................................................................................
Ivan : .................................................................................................................................

04. Make matching pairs. Opposites of the words are given in one line. Rearrange them correctly.

05. Solve the riddle
I have a long beak
My colour is white
I can stand in one leg
you can see me near ponds
who am I?

06. One day the merchant send Ivan to the forest to fetch firewood. Soon the wind rose, thunder roared, lightning flashed and the rain fell heavily. He was afraid. He began to think Can you write about his thoughts?

07. Solve the riddle
Large wings
Red eyes
Sharp fingers
Sharp beak
Who am I?

08. Make matching pairs
Thunder roared - heavily
Lightning - loudily
Winds - flashed
Rain fell - rose

09. The King of the country was very much annoyed. Many crows perched on the windows, wall and roof of the Palace and even on the trees nearby. No one knew how to get rid of them.
Ivan decided to meet the King. What may be the conversation between Ivan and the King.
Ivan : .....................................................................................................................
King: ......................................................................................................................
Ivan : ......................................................................................................................
King: ......................................................................................................................
Ivan : ......................................................................................................................
King: .......................................................................................................................

10. Fill up the blanks using the correct words from the box.
covered protect climbed pity
Four small birds were there in the nest and there was no one to .................. them from the wind and rain. Ivan felt .................. to them. He ..................... the tree and .................. the little ones with his clothes.

11. “A full moon was rising. Little stars were blinking to greet the moon. A soft wind carried the fragrance of wild flowers into the room” Read the above lines.
Find out the word which is the same in meaning of smell:

12. You have read the poem “If I could fly....” The child in the poem speaks about her wishes. Write about your wish?

02. Whispered
03. Conversation
Motherbird : You did a good thing, boy. What is your name.
Ivan : Ivan
Motherbird : Where is your house? Who are the members of your family?
Ivan : My house is at Kolenchery. I live with my father and mother.
Motherbird : Thank you for protecting my dear ones.
Ivan : Welcome. Let’s meet again.
04. disappear, outside, disagree, short.
06. Thoughts
I am alone here...! what will I do? Will anything happen to me? Will trees fall down? Who will save me? If I cry loudly, Will anyone help me to go out of the forest?
07. Eagle
08. Loudily, flashed, rose, heavily
09. Conversation
Ivan : “Your majesty”, I am Ivan.
King: Why did you come here?
Ivan : Your majesty, I will get rid of the crows
King: Ok if you can do that you can marry my daughter
Ivan : Yes, I will try my level best.
King: Ok, carry on
10. Protect, Pity, climbed, covered
11. fragrance
12. If I study well, I could become a teacher. I like teachers very much. I would look after my parents. I would help my society

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