Zaira's Day Out - Introduction Videos and audios

ZAIRA'S DAY OUT is the 7th Unit of Class 1 English Text Book
Learning Outcome
Comprehends and enjoys a simple story on love and friendship Describes a person or an object using proper words. Describes an action using appropriate action words. Enjoys and comprehends traditional songs and poems and sings with actions and rhythm Prepares concept maps on family relations and birds Responds meaningfully to the initiation in a dialogue /conversation Speaks about objects or things on the basis of colour and size Uses appropriate discourse markers and expressions.
Ideas, Understanding, Values
Helping nature and empathy towards fellow beings. Value of friendship in life and empathy towards differently abled individuals in the society.
What do you see in the video?
Birds, isn't it?
Can you name these birds? in this video?

Listen to the sounds of Birds and Identify the birds?
Can you name these birds?

Teacher megaphones these names in English and writes them on the blackboard by saying aloud the sound of the word.

Can you identify that bird?
Look at it carefully.
Can we draw the picture of Peacock?

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