We use personal pronoun in place of the person or people or thing that we are talking about.
My name is Appu but when I talking about myself, I use "I' or 'ME', not Appu.
When I am talking about my friends and I, I use 'WE' or 'US'.
When I am talking about you, I use 'YOU', and not your name.
When I am talking to someone about another person, Say Antony, I may start with 'Arun' but then use 'HE' or 'HIM'. If it is a girl, I use 'SHE' or 'HER'. I use 'IT' when i reffer to an animal or object.
If I am talking about a group, and I am not part of that group, I use 'THEY' or 'THEM'
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