Simple Riddles


🔴 I am a classroom object.

💙 l am white in colour

⚫ l am small in size

🔵 l am long in shape

❤ l am teacher's pet

👦🏻 Who can say,

  Who am I ❓

🤣I am a chalk 🤣

💛 l am a writing utensil

💜 l am long in shape

❤ l  have a sharp tip

💙 But, I have no lid

👦🏻 Can you guess,

  Who am I ❓

😃 I am a pencil  😃


🔵 I am a study material

⚫ I am square in shape

🔴 I wear dress

🔵 I have letters and pictures inside

⚫ I  am made of paper

👦🏻 Anybody can say ,

   Who am I ❓

🤣 I am a book 🤣


🦋 I am a classroom object

🦋 I am very small

🦋 But, I can correct mistakes

🦋 I am student's pet

🦋 I am made of rubber

👦🏻 Can you say my name❓

😃 I am an eraser 😃


🍭 I am a writing material

🍖I am long in shape

🍩 I have a sharp tip

🍦I have a lid

👦🏻 Can you find out my name?

😜 I am a pen 😜

👩‍💼 I have four legs, but I can't walk

What am I ❓

✔ A table


👨‍💼 I have two hands, But I can't clap

What am I❓

✔ A chair


👩‍💼 I have a neck, but no head

What am I ❓

✔ A shirt


👨‍💼 I always come down, never ever go up

Tell, what am I❓

✔ Rain


👩‍💼 I always go up, never ever come down

Tell, what am I❓



👨‍💼 I can eat everything, but can't drink water

What am I ❓

✔ Fire


👩‍💼 I travel all over the world, but I have no legs or wheels

What am I ❓

✔ A stamp


👨‍💼When I am young, lam tall.
When I am old, I am short

What am I❓

✔A candle


👩‍💼I am a traveller who travel all over the world, but I can't move

What am I❓

✔ Road


👨‍💼I can clap, but I have no hands

What am I ❓


1⃣ What two Keys can not open any door ❓

🤠 A monkey and a donkey


2⃣ I have many branches, but I am not a bank.

Who am I ❓

🤠 A tree


3⃣ What kind of room has no doors and windows ❓

🤠 A mushroom


4⃣ You can't wear this dress.

What is that ❓

🤠 Address


5⃣ What bank never has no money ❓

🤠 A riverbank


6⃣ What has many rings but no fingers ❓

🤠 A telephone


7⃣ Where does Friday comes before Thursday❓

🤠 In a dictionary


8⃣ Which month has 28 days?

🤠 All months have 28 days


9⃣ How many letters are there in the alphabet❓

🤠 8 letters


🔟 What starts with T, is filled with T, and ends with T ❓



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